Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thank you to all who joined us at our Lunch and Learn on Oct. 29th

Welcome to our new blog—created in direct response to lessons learned at our event. We hope this blog will give us an opportunity to share insights, provide a forum for discussion, and let you know what The Byne Group is up to. We will soon be launching our new website so stay tuned.

For those of you who missed it, our speaker, Howard Greenstein, a social media evangelist, introduced us to the new world of online social networks, and took us gently through a maze of terms at our first Lunch and Learn program. He touched on powerful ways for us all to harness the power of the online community and answered ethical concerns we all share.

Its obvious that new media such as social networking can pack a powerful punch and you should put these new tools to productive use in telling your story. These days, strategic branding across all media is essential and must include the right mix to meet your goals. We all know the obvious ones: Print the brochure, but make sure to get a pdf of it on your site. Send out the invites to your event but don’t forget the e-mail blast, Get that video you produced for an event onto your site. Just remember to make sure all the pieces all carefully branded! If you haven't done it yet consider an e-newsletter, there are many companies, Constant and Ask to name a few that inexpensively allow you to track who opens it and when as well as, who clicks through to check out your website.

I thought the event was a great success. Over 25 clients/friends joined us. Lots of networking, and even reconnecting for some old friends (you know who you are)...and the chocolate chip cookies were outrageous!

I hope to hear back from many of you with any comments and thoughts about what you took away from the seminar and how you might use the information, as well as other topics you'd like to explore in future lunch and learns.

Please see our links section for some interesting books and resources on the subject of social media and using it to your advantage.
Photos of the event
Howard Greenstein's Website
We Are Smarter than Me (book)
photos courtesy Howard Greenstein


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! I would just like to post a comment and let you all know it was truly a pleasure, and thanks for coming. We have lots of great ideas on how our clients can use these new technologies to more strategically maximize their branding efforts!
Thanks again and hope to see you at the next L&L!
~Jenn Zapf, the byne group

Howard Greenstein said...

Thanks for having me at the event. I learned from your questions, and appreciated the comments and kind words I've heard since the presentation. It was truly a pleasure to work with Ann and the Byne Group to put this event together.

Anonymous said...
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