Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Ann Attends the County-Wide Symposium on Autism

As part of a strategic analysis assignment for Camp Venture, Ann Byne attended the 2nd Annual County-Wide Symposium on Autism. With standing room only, it was attended by over 500 parents, educators, lawmakers, and related service providers. The featured speakers included Fred Volkmar of Yale University's Autism Program and a nationally recognized professional in the study and treatment of autism, Raul Silva of New York University's Child Psychiatry Program and executive director of Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center.

The Byne Group's goal is to provide a strategic basis for Camp Venture's future marketing initiatives through market research, interviews, and an understanding of the local and political climate surrounding these issues. Interacting at events such as this is an important part of The Byne Group's strategic analysis process.

Camp Venture is a Nanuet-based nonprofit that offers services to people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities. In addition to John Murphy, the symposium was planned by Janet Wheeler of OMRDD's Hudson Valley office; Dan Lukens, chairman of the Rockland County Community Service Board; and Mary Ann Tozer, the county's commissioner for mental health. Opening remarks were given by Senator Thomas P. Morahan.

Camp Venture

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kudos for your involvement! Keep us informed of any success stories.