Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tradigital : The Link Between Traditional and Digital Marketing?

Just when I though I heard it all I came across a term that was a new one for me “TRADIGITAL” on a post written by fellow Pratt Graduate David Darmano. I checked the term out and it’s not in any dictionary or on Wikipedia
but it is a very simple way to understand the link between traditional and digital marketing.

To me simple is always good when I give seminars. I like using “outbound vs. inbound” to describe the difference between new and old media. With outbound we send our messages “out” to the world, using all forms of traditional advertising. With inbound we depend on people finding us and coming “in” and hopefully sharing with their contacts their experiences, hopefully positive. But what links the two together? Enewsletters, eblasts, ecampaigns, banner ads fills that gap. With these tools we have the opportunity to say what’s on our mind and tell our own stories about our firms. Then if we have added interesting links we get to hear opinions and a conversation can begin. The best part, we can evaluate what works by those responses; who opens it, where they go, who opts out and who passes it on. But what do we call that link?

As I was preparing for a seminar I was giving to the Association of Development Officers last week in Westchester I decided to use the term “tradigital” and see how my audience responded. It was fun watching peoples expressions and even more fun when they tried to say the tongue twister for the first time! Thanks David, it has real stickiness and it will definitely be in my next seminar as well! Check out David at

–Ann Byne, Creative Director/Principal of The Byne Group

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