Thursday, July 23, 2009

Groups vs. Pages on Facebook

So what's the difference between a "Group" and a "Page" on Facebook?
This question has been swirling around our office lately and I have gotten to the bottom of it. First of all, a Group and a Page look different but there is much more to it then that.

Pages can only be created to represent a real public figure, artist, brand or organization. Groups can be created by any user and about any topic, as a space for users to share their opinions and interest in that subject. Pages can have photos, videos, event listings and interactive applications to engage Page visitors. Applications can't be added to Groups.

Pages are designed to allow Page admins to maintain a personal/professional distinction on Facebook (there's that word again, "branding") while Groups are a part of your personal Facebook experience. If you're a Group admin, your name will appear on that group, while Pages will never display their admins' names. When you take actions on your Group, such as posting on your Group's wall, these actions will appear to come from you as an individual. However, if you post or take other actions on a Page you own, it will appear to come from the Page.

Here is a list of other key differences:

The bottom line... Groups are better for hosting a quick active discussion while Pages are better for long-term relationships.

-Melissa Behrens, Senior Graphic Designer, The Byne Group

Search Engine Journal:

1 comment:

Ann said...

Great way to understand the differences, can you share the difference between cause pages on your next blog.