Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Marketing to Women

Why Women Don't Give Second Chances, and what can you learn
from it!

Does your firm market to women? Think not, well think again! It’s a proven fact, women make the majority of buying decisions for their families. They decide which non profit to support, which health care provider the family chooses and which restaurant to dine at. Wow, hopefully we choose to use our power for good!

In a blog article written by Liz Ryan she says “Women want assurance - they want difficult problems taken off their plates, and they need their service providers to go the extra mile to make sure they are well served. Women consumers want to be treated as valued customers, even before they've reached that stage - that's the very way that they'll become valued clients, in fact.”

We all remember a time when we didn’t feel valued as a customer. The rude secretary who answers the phone at the insurance company, the doctors office where you wait ten minutes to be acknowledged and when finally asked why you’re there you are told (with no apology) you were in the wrong office. Who of us can say we have always respond perfectly to our own clients. Sometimes mistakes happen, and unfortunately bad service travels fast.

Marketing to women as well as men means paying attention to each customer's specific needs and providing respect to everyone who interacts with your business. Women are very flexible, but we're not flexible enough to suffer insults or indignities without complaint. And, come to that, why should we be?” And if you realize that last phone call didn't go well, try to rectify it quickly. Admitting mistakes is appreciated.

As Liz Ryan says in her blog “Women are great, loyal customers - if you show them you've got their best interests in mind, from the start.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"You've come a long way baby!" Remember that? As a baby boomer I recall the crumbs thrown at women as we worked to change attitudes towards us as a group. We applauded each gesture thinking we're on our way! Here we are in 2009, still hoping to be recognized for the power and influence we truly have and the respect we deserve, as does everyone, which Ann rightfully recognizes.

Anyone care to guess when women will attain their equal rights as a consumer? When the car salesman, plumber or even IT helper won't talk down to them and try to take advantage of what years ago was perceived as ignorance, and most likely was!

Surprise, we have come a long way and we're still moving forward! The faster marketers jump on board, the faster revenue will grow. (I still can't believe this is still a talking point in '09!)