Thursday, August 28, 2008

Look through fresh eyes- "Vuja de"

No I didn't misspell Deja Vu...... Vuja de happens when you enter a situation you've been in a thousand times before, but with the sense of being there for the first time.” George Carlin coined the phrase "Vuja De" first and used it in an early comedy routine. “It's all about the obvious right in front of our eyes. When someone invents a simple little something for the benefit of mankind, almost everyone either simultaneously thinks, "why didn't I think of that?" or "I was just thinking of that."

Bill Taylor in a post at Harvard Business Online writes about it from a business point of view. "Most companies in most industries have a kind of tunnel vision. They chase the same opportunities that everyone else is chasing, they miss the same opportunities that everyone else is missing." It's an atmosphere that stifles innovation, and can create an unsettling sense of corporate déjà vu as companies continue to use the same old thinking with each new initiative.

As the creative director of my firm, I still get a jolt when I first realize I'm looking at a brand new, fresh creative idea. It's about breaking away from the pack mentality and approaching each new challenge with fresh eyes.

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